3-C-2: Logic & Reasoning

The most valuable information in this module is Bloom’s Taxonomy.  As an educator, understanding the taxonomy is very  important because in addition to educating our students, we must know how to inspire them to think critically, make conjectures, and demonstrate their understanding.  More importantly, we have to know how to assess our student’s understanding, or lack thereof.  If our students aren’t able to analyze and synthesize the mathematics that’s taught within the classroom, then the education is useless because they’re unable to apply it to the real-world experiences they will encounter outside of the classroom.  Therefore, I believe the biggest value of Bloom’s Taxonomy is that it assists educators with enhancing our student’s intellectual growth.






Mathematics education today focuses more on standardized testing than logical and lateral thinking skills.  Therefore, unfortunately, our instruction is dictated by the previous year’s test results, not on whether or not students know how to engage in complex reasoning.  However, in an attempt to incorporate more logical/lateral thinking activities within my classroom, I plan to post a Problem of the Week on my classroom bulletin board.  Those students who answer the problems correctly will receive extra credit.  I also plan to infuse logical/lateral thinking problems into student’s journal writing.

5 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. bcurrey
    Jun 24, 2012 @ 23:29:49

    Nichol, you have brought up the “white elephant” in most mathematics classrooms – standardized testing! Although we all know and appreciate the intent behind the testing we are so often caught in such a difficult place. Slowing down a bit and asking students to extend their thinking is a very worthwhile use of time. Great idea to incorporate a problem of the week and the extra credit will most likely be an added student motivator! Beth


  2. grayburnsgreatblog
    Jun 25, 2012 @ 01:24:59

    I agree with literally everything you said on here. Standardized testing is holding teachers back with a lot of aspects of math education. Students might be able to memorize the formula for the volume of a cube but can they apply it to something in the real world? I like your idea of having a logical or lateral thinking problem as extra credit. Extra credit is always encouraging for students and you would be getting them to use these real world skills while still working towards what they need for standardized testing.

    I also love your cartoons 🙂


  3. Jody M. Hutcheson
    Jun 25, 2012 @ 16:01:13

    Hi, what class is this…sounds like a good one.


  4. erin0513
    Jun 25, 2012 @ 23:30:38

    Great cartoon!


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